PechaKucha during Computers, Privacy and Data Protection 2012 conference

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 - 20:20
Les Halles, Rue Royale-Sainte-Marie 22, 1030 Brussels
13 speakers, each speaker has 6 minutes 40 sec. for a presentation in 20 images. Each image is on screen for only 20 seconds. No more, no less. 20 images x 20 seconds each. Tempo, story, tension, show-and-tell. The Brussels format includes designers, architects, artists, scientists, fashion designers, photographers, musicians, and creative entrepreneurs. Many will discuss technology and its implications. Some will not. Registration required
Organised by: 
Research group on Law, Science, Technology and Society at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Crosstalks and Alok Nandi